Saturday, September 15, 2007

BH Test

BH-Begleithund (Translates to "Companion Dog.")

This test was developed as a preliminary character evaluation. It was designed to keep aggressive, sharp, shy, or nervous dogs from participating in the sport. DVG rules say dogs of all sizes and breeds are eligible; the minimum age is 12 months. The only allowable collar is a chain type "choke" collar, and the lead, when used, is attached to the dead ring. Generally, scores or points are not announced, rather the judge evaluates whether a handler/dog team have passed. Part A must be passed for the team to do Part B.

Part A
The Obedience phase of the BH is eventually the same as the obedience in SchH 1 but without the retrieving exercise.

Obedience exercises should show the bond between thehandler/dog team. The dog should show a willingness to work and pure joy to be out on the field. The obedience exercises are done in groups of twodogs/handlers. Both teams report to the judge and state their name and their dogs name. The judge then directs each team to their appropriate locations. While one team is performing the heeling exercises, the other team is doing the long down. Any exercises on leash should be done with a loose lead. The leash is to be held in the left hand. Attach leash to the dead ring of a choke (fursaver) type collar. Leather and prong collars are not permitted.

Heeling on leash (15 points) Singly and within a group.
The dog must stay close and keep his shoulder blades "level" with the handlers' knees. The dog must not forge ahead, move to the side or lag to the rear. Upon a halt the dog must, on his own, go to the sitting position. The only voice command given should be at the start of exercise and when changing paces.

Starting from the basic heeling position, dog sitting at your left side give one voice command of heel (the dog should willingly follow at this time) proceed forward in a straight line for 40-50 paces without stopping. Do a complete turnabout and come back 10-15 paces. Give the heal command and without hesitation do a running heel for 10-15 paces followed by a slow heel of 10-15 paces. Return to a normal pace for 10-15 more paces. The "fuss" or "heel" command can be given at the beginning of each change of pace. You then make a right turn, heel 20 paces, make another right turn, heel 20 paces, make an about turn, heel 10-15 paces and halt. Heel forward 10-15 more paces and make a left turn. You can then proceed directly to the group. The judge will direct the handler through a group of at least 4 people, who are expected to mingle about. You must make at least 1 left turn and 1 right turn around at least 2 people and halt close to one of the group. (This is basically a figure 8.) You then leave the group, halt (handler may praise dog) and remove the leash

Heeling off leash (15 points) Singly and within a group.
When requested by the judge, the leash will be removed while in the basic position. The handler moves through the group with the dog freely heeling. After demonstrating at least one halt, the handler and dog leave the group and perform the heeling exercises that were performed on leash. While the dog and handler are performing the off-leash exercises, at least 2 gun shots (6 - 9 mm) are to be fired (not while moving in the group) and the dog must remain indifferent to the noise. Special emphasis is placed on indifference to the gun. If the judge deems the dog to be insecure or should the dog run from the shot, the judge may excuse the dog from further participation.

Sit (10 points)
From the basic heeling position the handler and free heeling dog proceed in a straight line. After at least ten paces, the handler issues the voice command to sit - the dog should quickly come to a sit position. The handler shall continue for at least 30 paces without interrupting pace or direction, then stop and turnaround to face the dog. At the direction of the judge, the handler returns to the right side of the dog.

Down With Recall (10 points)
From the basic heeling position the handler and free heeling dog proceed in a straight line. After at least ten paces, the handler issues the voice command to down - the dog should quickly come to a down position. The handler shall continue for at least 30 paces without interrupting pace or direction, then stop and turn around to face the dog. At the direction of the judge, the handler shall recall the dog. The dog should come to the handler with a spirited and swift motion and sit close in front. Upon a "heel" command, the dog should quickly come to a sit position next to the handler.

Long Down (10 Points) Under Distraction
Prior to the start of the obedience exercises of another dog, the handler commands the dog into a down position at a spot designated by the judge. The handler moves approximately 40 paces away within sight of the dog. The handler remains quiet with his back to the dog. The dog must remain in the down position without additional influences from the handler until the other dog concludes the first 6 exercises. The finish will be like the Go Ahead and Down, above

Part B

This consists of tests to evaluate the dog's ability to function in heavy traffic. These exercises are to be conducted in the open with areas with some traffic, but not inconveniencing the general public. For this reason, only dogs that pass Part A may take this part of the test. It is a time consuming test, and a maximum of 15 dogs per day per judge may be tested. There is no point allocation per exercise; the judge will evaluate the dog's performance and its ability to do the exercises well.

Ability to Perform in Traffic The handler and judge are instructed to proceed on leash down a designated walkway, street, or roadway. The dog should heel willingly on a loose leash. The dog must act within difference toward pedestrian and other traffic including joggers and pedestrians. After negotiating the traffic on the roadway, the handler and dog proceed to the judge and stop, shake hands, converse. The dog is expected to ignore the judge and may stand, sit, or lay down quietly.

Behavior of the Dog Under Extreme Traffic Conditions The dog and handler now move through rather heavy and noisy pedestrian traffic. The handler must stop twice the first time ordering the dog to sit and the second time to lay down. The dog must remain calm and undisturbed.

Behavior of the Dog Left Alone During Traffic Conditions The handler secures the dog to a suitable tie off and moves out of sight of the dog, remaining out of sight for approximately two minutes. Another dog and handler team will pass within five paces of the secured dog which must remain calm during this exercise.

Passing Score = "70" points
Maximum Score = "100" points

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