Saturday, September 15, 2007

AD - Endurance Test (Ausdauerprüfung)

General Information
The AD is an endurance test used for show and breed requirements. The dog must run beside its handler for a distance of 20 kilometers (about 12.5 miles.) It will test the dogs physical strength and make sure the dog is physically able to endure a certain amount of physical stress without showing significant fatigue. A short obedience exercise will follow the running test.

Requirements for Entry
The dog must be at least 16 months old to trial and dogs more than 6 years old are excused from having to complete this part of the breed survey. All dogs must be registered, and have their score book, pedigree and registration papers on hand the day of trial. The dog must be healthy and in good condition. Sick dogs, weak dogs, bitches in heat, bitches in whelp and nursing bitches are not allowed to participate. The judge and trial secretary will verify that each dog is in good condition. Dogs that present a tired or listless expression are to be disqualified. The handler will conduct him/herself in a sporty manner. Unsportsmanlike behavior can result in disqualification from the examination. All decisions made by the judge are final. Participation in the AD test is voluntary. If during the course of the test, the dog or handler is injured in any way, the local club cannot be held responsible.

The AD award is not a training degree but is for show and breed requirements. No points or awards will be given for the examination, only the rating of "Passed" or "Not Passed". Only dogs that pass will receive the AD certification.

The test should preferably be run on streets or roads of varied terrain such as asphalt or dirt.

The Test

A.) The Running Exercise - The dogs will be run a total of 20 kilometers (about 12.5 miles) at an average speed of 12 to 15 kilometers per hour (7.7 to 9.5 miles per hour).

The dog must be kept on leash on the right hand side of the handler and move in a normal trot next to the bicycle. Overly fast running is to be avoided. The leash must be sufficiently long to give the dog the ability to adjust to any changes in speed. Slight pulling or forging is not faulty but continually failing behind is faulty. There will be a 15 minute rest period after the dogs have completed 8 kilometers (5 miles). During the rest period, the judge will examine the dogs for fatigue. Tired dogs will be removed from the test. There will be a 20 minute rest period at the end of 15 kilometers (9.4 miles). The judge will again check the dogs. Dogs that are tired or dogs with sore feet will be removed from the test. Dogs will be allowed to move about freely during the rest periods but should be on leash. The last 5 kilometers will be run and then there will be a 15 minute rest period. The judge will again determine if the dog demonstrates tiredness or sore feet due to the running.

The judge and the trial secretary should accompany the dogs on a bicycle or car. The judge will make notes about the condition of the dogs and all deficiencies will be noted. It is necessary that a car follow the handlers and dogs so that tired or sore dogs can be transported. Dogs that lack the proper spirit and hardness and those that show fatigue and dogs that cannot keep up the required speed or need extra time cannot pass the examination.

B.) Obedience - After the running exercise and when requested by the judge, the handlers will assemble with their dogs in the heeling position. Under the direction of the judge, the handlers and dogs will go through the heeling exercise (on or off leash) according to the Schutzhund rules. No gun shots are to be fired. In addition, the judge must verify the psychological condition of the dogs. The method is left up to the judge